

Preet Cargo Carrier Company offers experienced and Efficient service in Mumbai. Preet Cargo Carrier is the most reputed and recommended logistics company with powerful network across the India. We provide best quality packaging and transportation facilities, we take utmost care while moving the valuables from one place to another.

  • Free Quotation
  • Easy Moving
  • On Time and Fast Delivery
  • Experienced Staff
  • Economical and Comfortable
  • 100% Quality Guaranteed

Preet Cargo Carrier is a certified organization that aims to deliver the best to its customers. We are one of the most trustworthy companies in the country with a wide experience as well. The main mission is to provide safety and trust among all our clients so that they can develop relations with us for a longer period of time. We provide smart and easy relocation services, Packers and movers in India have simple systematic procedures that work perfect with the customers demand and have proved to be working well.

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Rahul Sinha​

Marketing Executive​

Neha Gupta​

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Roni Roy​

Marketing Manager​

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We take pride in every project we have done. We have grown a lot with our work years.

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